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Account parameters for Enterprise

Account parameter are specific textual values that when added can change different default values of the account as well as the way data is imported into the account.

Account parameters can only be added by system administrator. 

Where to add plan parameters

Click on the account name and select Edit account.

Enter the parameters as text in the Plan parameters section. Note that this section is available only to system administrators. 

Parameters list

ParameterParameter value typeExampleCommentDefault value
yearly_price_multiplierNumberyearly_price_multiplier = 12How many months are paid if yearly payment is done11
max_source_applicationsNumbermax_source_applications = 5Maximum amount of unique sources (Maximum count of source applications, as in if max_source = 2 then you can have 1 HW and 1 SQL, or 2 REST API, or 1 SQL and 1 REST API etc.)

See pricing

max_storageNumbermax_storage = 4096

Maximum amount of allowed space used (Cube size + File size) in megabytes

See pricing
max_usersNumbermax_users = 50Maximum amount of users per accountSee pricing
max_source_selectionsNumbermax_source_selections = 10

Maximum amount of source selections for hansaworld (Maximum amount of enabled HW cubes) 

See pricing
max_cubesNumbermax_cubes = 10Maximum amount of cubes (Sum of all cubes that exist)See pricing
subscripton_discount_percentageNumbersubscripton_discount_percentage = 50Adds discount percentage to subscription charges period fee for the account0
export_resultstrue/falseexport_results = falseAre exports to excel, png, csv allowedSee pricing
custom_fieldstrue/falsecustom_fields = trueCustom file import in JIRA.See pricing
embed_reportstrue/falseembed_reports = trueIs embedding in other web pages allowedSee pricing
email_dashboardstrue/falseemail_dashboards = trueIs e-mail scheduling allowedSee pricing
oauth_clientstrue/falseoauth_clients = true

Is oAuth with Gmail, Salesforce etc. supported?

See pricing
import_thread_countNumberimport_thread_count = 4On how many threads (i.e. faster or slower) to import dataSee pricing
enable_sending_gauge_statsURLenable_sending_gauge_stats = ""Set the URL to where the data needs to be sent-
use_wa_cost_pricetrue/falseuse_wa_cost_price = trueUse the Weighted Average as the value of Total Cost pricefalse
debug_importArray with registers as stringsdebug_import = ["IVVc","CUVc","INVc"]Prints out incoming record information in log files-
debug_levelNumberdebug_level = 10Addition to debug_import parameters. Sets how many fields from registers should be printed100
enable_geocodingtrue/falseenable_geocoding = trueEnable geocoding to link customer addresses to longitude and latitude valuesfalse
debug_geocoding"all" or "error"debug_geocoding = "error"Will debug geocoding for the account
import_historic_salesman_groupstrue/falseimport_historic_salesman_groups = false

If the historic import is enabled then the information in records (invoices, sales orders etc.) will be used for person sales group, name and e-mail  during import.

If historic import is disabled then person register (UserVc) will be used for the person sales group, name and e-mail during import.

bank_holiday_country_codeStringbank_holiday_country_code = "LV"Gives an option to select which country's holidays to use. By default the first one is selected.-
trial_untilDate stringtrial_until = "2018-05-31"Overrides the trial end date-
reverse_vat_enabledtrue/falsereverse_vat_enabled = trueEnables the Reverse VAT calculation.false
debug_hansaworld_importtrue/falsedebug_hansaworld_import = trueEnables REST API request logging in log files for HansaWorld application.false
debug_priority_importtrue/falsedebug_priority_import = trueEnables REST API request logging in log files for Priority application.false
debug_horizon_importtrue/falsedebug_horizon_import = trueEnables REST API request logging in log files for Horizon application.false
debug_jumis_importtrue/falsedebug_jumis_import = trueEnables REST API request logging in log files for Jumis application.false
min_address_precisionNumbermin_address_precision = 8Minimum geocoding result precision.
min_address_similarityNumbermin_address_similarity = 0.8Minimum similarity between geocoding result and address data in


true/falseshow_source_file_errors = trueEnable source file error messages.false
max_consolidated_companiesNumbermax_consolidated_companies = 2Specifies what is the maximum count of companies that are available for consolidation-
forced_default_company_codeStringforced_default_company_code ="10"Specifies what company should be used by default when setting up HansaWorld application with REST API in case the user does not have access to the first company1
max_unauthorized_request_countNumbermax_unauthorized_request_count = 5Specifies the maximum count of REST API authentication retries in case of Unauthorized response from the HW server.3
enable_custom_hierarchiestrue/falseenable_custom_hierarchies = trueEnables the custom hierarchies functionality for consolidated account.false
(register code)_refresh_daysNumberIVVc_refresh_days = 30Overwrites the refresh period for the specified register.90
(register code)_skip_import_countNumberIVVc_skip_import_count = 2Sets the number for how many imports the specified register has to be skipped before importing again.0
(register code)_start_import_fromDate stringIVVc_start_import_from = "2020-01-01"Overwrites the start import from parameter for the specified register.
demo_accounttrue/falsedemo_account = trueEvery import generates one transaction with a random number of transaction lines with today's date. Works only for Tilde and Horizon applications.false
demo_data_generation_period_startDate stringdemo_data_generation_period_start = "2020-01-01"When running import for the first time or after emptying cube, generates one transaction with a random number of transaction lines every day from the specified date. Works only for Tilde and Horizon applications.-
is_main_consolidated_accounttrue/falseis_main_consolidated_account = trueSets the account as the main account for consolidating data from multiple HansaWorld servers.false
consolidate_to_accountNumberconsolidate_to_account = 25Specifies what main account will be used for the account's multiple HansaWorld server consolidation.-
advanced_settingstrue/falseadvanced_settings = trueEnabled Advanced setting for custom fieldsfalse
token_refresh_sleep_secsNumbertoken_refresh_sleep_secs = 1

Specifies how long will the application sleep after receiving a refresh token. This is useful for some HansaWorld versions where during consolidated data import, the next request after token refresh returns 401 “Unauthorized“ or 404 “File not found“ error.

disable_object_typestrue/falsedisable_object_types = trueDisables REST API request for object type (OTVc) data when opening source application edit page.false
disable_customer_class_typestrue/falsedisable_customer_class_types = trueDisables REST API request for customer classification type (CTypeVc) data when opening source application edit page.false
disable_item_class_typestrue/falsedisable_item_class_types = trueDisables REST API request for item classification type (CTypeVc) data when opening source application edit page.false
disable_location_class_typestrue/falsedisable_location_class_types = trueDisables REST API request for location classification type (LocClTypeVc) data when opening source application edit page.false
disable_item_variety_groupstrue/falsedisable_item_variety_groups = trueDisables REST API request for item variety (VARGVc) data when opening source application edit page.false
disable_xml_validation = truetrue/falsedisable_xml_validation = trueIf the xml data received from the SERP contains invalid characters error is raised and the import is stopped. The raised error can be disabled with this parameter.false



jumis_transaction_record_source = "FinancialDocLine LEFT JOIN FinancialDoc
ON FinancialDocLine.FinancialDocID = FinancialDoc.FinancialDocID JOIN CurrencyRates
ON FinancialDocLine.CurrencyID = CurrencyRates.CurrencyID
AND FinancialDocLine.LineDate = CurrencyRates.RateDate JOIN Account DebetAccount
ON FinancialDocLine.DebetID = DebetAccount.AccountID JOIN Account CreditAccount
ON FinancialDocLine.CreditID = CreditAccount.AccountID
LEFT JOIN BudgetItem
ON FinancialDocLine.BudgetItemID = BudgetItem.BudgetItemID"

Rewrites the default SQL statement for requesting Jumis application register FinancialDocLine."FinancialDocLine LEFT JOIN FinancialDoc
ON FinancialDocLine.FinancialDocID = FinancialDoc.FinancialDocID JOIN CurrencyRates
ON FinancialDocLine.CurrencyID = CurrencyRates.CurrencyID
AND FinancialDocLine.LineDate = CurrencyRates.RateDate JOIN Account DebetAccount
ON FinancialDocLine.DebetID = DebetAccount.AccountID JOIN Account CreditAccount
ON FinancialDocLine.CreditID = CreditAccount.AccountID"
forecast_start_dateDate stringforecast_start_date = '2022-01-01'Overrides the default weather forecast start date and also the default ML model prediction period start date.Today's date

hansaworld_max_concurrency = 1

IVVc_max_concurrency = 2

TDdmKlBaseSar_max_concurrency = 3

Changes the maximum concurrent REST API request limit (thread count). Doesn't effect import thread count. <prefix> can be application name, register code or register code for a custom field. 2
local_horizon_servertrue/falselocal_horizon_server = trueEnable simple authentication for local Horizon server without using the context parameter.false
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