Export and import report definitions
If you have several flex.bi accounts or several flex.bi environments (development, test, production), you can export report definitions from one flex.bi account and import them into another flex.bi account. This action copies the structure of the report between accounts, but it does not move the report from the source account.
You can export and import definitions of sample reports from our Demo Account.
To export an individual report definition click on other report actions in the report header toolbar and select Export definition.
Report definition contains information on report structure (dimensions on rows, pages, columns, selected measures, and formulas for calcualted members) but does not contain the data (results).

You will see the report definition in JSON format, please copy this report definition for pasting it in the other flex.bi environment. Exported report definition will also include all calculated member definitions that are used and needed for this report.

You can also export all report definitions for the selected cube from the Analyze tab by clicking Export reports [1]. If you have any private reports they will not be exported with all report definitions. Then you can visit a different flex.bi account where you wish to import one or several exported reports and click Import reports [2].

In Import report definition dialog paste previously copied one or several report definition export results.

If there will be any warnings, please review them and confirm that you would like to continue with report import. After import will be finished you will be able to see and use imported reports in your flex.bi account.